Catalogue of Likert-Type Scales

Voici l’un des projets typiques que je fais juste pour le plaisir. Mon ami-évaluateur Steve Powell (@stevepowell99) m’a dit qu’il avait pensé à rassembler un catalogue de façons de présenter des échelles, alors je lui ai dit que j’étais partant, et nous avons conçu cette infographie. Les échelles de type Likert, également appelées échelles de […]

The Metaevaluation Dashboard

For summarising the most relevant aspects of an evaluation, we have created the “Meta-evaluative Dashboard” that reveals what happened during the evaluation, using the evaluation report itself as source. The Dashboard visually presents the information given in the report about the methodology choices take. After a thorough analysis, and a process of deep synthesis, the […]

My first visual CV

In this personnal search of new uses of visual displays to communicate ordinary informations, Visual CV are my new thing. I have been elaborating some for family and friends, and turns out they are eye-catching and some of them had good results among recruiters. Of course, I had to have my own,  so I’ve been […]

My Pentagon of Resources

I have a lot of ideas for producing more infographics regarding Evaluation, but for the time being I thought of sharing a new version of my CV that I just customised for the type of mission I’m doing lately. I’m having the chance of working with the British Red Cross evaluating and supporting projects of […]

Mixed Methods: the infographic

Summer. New issue of New Directions for Evaluation on Mixed Methods in evaluation in my hands. Finally some time to invest in trying to better understand what MixedMethods approach is all about. So I decided I will read it thoroughlyand try to picture some kind of outline. But as usual, I ended up doing avisual one… […]

Understanding Lessons Learned

  Most evaluation ToR and reports ask for/include Lessons Learned. In my experience as a meta-evaluator, most of the review tools organizations use ask whether this element was present in the report and to assess the quality of them. And I must say: I am often confused about what to look for and expect. Also […]

Outcome Efficiency Indicators

Hi there! I know that there are way more important things happening in this unexpected beginning of the decade, but I’m super excited to share the third infographic about Efficiency. With this series, this rusty economist has gone back to her origins and finally understood (thanks to Julian King‘s guidance) how to apply these important […]