Catalogue of Likert-Type Scales

Voici l’un des projets typiques que je fais juste pour le plaisir. Mon ami-évaluateur Steve Powell (@stevepowell99) m’a dit qu’il avait pensé à rassembler un catalogue de façons de présenter des échelles, alors je lui ai dit que j’étais partant, et nous avons conçu cette infographie. Les échelles de type Likert, également appelées échelles de […]

Understanding Lessons Learned

  Most evaluation ToR and reports ask for/include Lessons Learned. In my experience as a meta-evaluator, most of the review tools organizations use ask whether this element was present in the report and to assess the quality of them. And I must say: I am often confused about what to look for and expect. Also […]

Good and Bad Evaluation

Doing bad evaluation is easy. In other words, evaluation is not a simple discipline. Real life evaluation is sometimes too different from evaluation theory, due to many reasons.  Knowing that, we still think that there are certain common mistakes that we should prevent ourselves from making. We have done and seen enough of them. So […]