1. Subject
These general terms and conditions of sale (GTCS) govern the contractual relations
between Loving Clarity (Sara Vaca EI), hereinafter referred to as
"Supplier", and any natural person, hereinafter referred to as
"Customer", wishing to benefit from the online training services
offered by the Supplier.

Service Offer The Provider offers online training services
accessible to any individual, without geographical restriction. These
services include access to courses, teaching materials,
live training sessions and any other associated content or services.

3. Order
The Customer may place an order for training services online by
filling in the order form available on the
Supplier website. Validation of the order implies full acceptance of these GTS

4. Prices
Prices for online training services are quoted in euros and
include all taxes. Payment is made online at
. The Supplier reserves the right to modify its prices at
any time, but undertakes to apply the prices in force at the time of the

Access to Services Following validation of the order and payment, the Customer
will receive by e-mail the information required to access
online training services. The Customer is responsible for the confidentiality of his/her
login details and undertakes not to pass them on to third parties.

Intellectual Property All content provided as part of the
online training services remains the exclusive intellectual property of
Supplier. The Customer undertakes to use such content solely for
personal, non-commercial purposes, and shall refrain from any unauthorized reproduction or distribution

7. Liability
The Supplier undertakes to provide the online training services with
diligence and professionalism. However, it cannot be held
liable for any interruption or malfunction of the service due to
technical or other reasons beyond its control.

Right of Withdrawal In accordance with current legislation, the Customer has
a right of withdrawal period of 14 days from the validation of the
order to exercise his right of withdrawal, without having to provide any reason
or pay any penalties.

Personal Data The Supplier undertakes to respect the confidentiality of the Customer's personal data
and to use them solely for the purpose of
performing the online training services. Under no circumstances will
Customer's personal data be passed on to third parties for commercial purposes.

10. Disputes In
the event of any dispute relating to the interpretation or performance of these GTS,
the parties undertake to seek an amicable solution. In the absence of an amicable
agreement, any dispute will be referred to the competent courts in accordance with
the legislation in force.

By accepting these GTC, the Customer acknowledges having read them and accepts their terms and conditions.

Signed in Montech (France), January 1, 2024.