My Pentagon of Resources

I have a lot of ideas for producing more infographics regarding Evaluation, but for the time being I thought of sharing a new version of my CV that I just customised for the type of mission I’m doing lately.

I’m having the chance of working with the British Red Cross evaluating and supporting projects of other organisations as the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) and others, in the domain of Economic Security (EcoSec) interventions.

It’s inspired in the “Sustainable Livelihoods Framework”. For understanding households sources of incomes and goods, we use a tool called the pentagon of Livelihoods Assets to do a mapping of their resources. Assets are listed in these 5 categories: Human, Physical, Natural, Social and Financial.

Here is my personal adaptation, to visually show my “resources”:

I know it is not very Evaluation related, but it is another visual warm-up and I’ll have more outcomes soon… Thanks for staying tuned.

Remember, any comment or ideas for new infographics are most welcome!


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